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Physical Exam 2018: Knee Arthralgia Patients

When it comes to knee arthralgia patients, a physical exam is crucial in determining the cause of the pain and developing an appropriate treatment plan. In this article, we will walk you through the key components of a physical exam for knee arthralgia patients in 2018.

Assessment of Pain

The first step in the physical exam of knee arthralgia patients is to assess the location, severity, and nature of the pain. Patients may describe the pain as sharp, dull, achy, or stabbing. By understanding the characteristics of the pain, doctors can narrow down the possible causes and tailor the treatment plan accordingly.

Range of Motion Testing

During the physical exam, the doctor will also assess the patient’s range of motion in the knee joint. This involves asking the patient to perform various movements such as flexion, extension, and rotation of the knee. Decreased range of motion can indicate inflammation, injury, or arthritis in the knee joint.

Strength Testing

Strength testing is another important component of the physical exam for knee arthralgia patients. The doctor will assess the strength of the muscles surrounding the knee joint by asking the patient to perform tasks such as straightening the leg against resistance. Weakness in certain muscle groups can point to specific underlying issues.


Palpation involves the doctor gently pressing on different areas around the knee joint to identify areas of tenderness, swelling, or inflammation. This can help pinpoint the precise location of the pain and guide further diagnostic tests or treatment options.

Special Tests

In some cases, the doctor may also perform special tests during the physical exam to evaluate specific structures in the knee joint. These tests may include the McMurray test for meniscal tears, the Lachman test for ACL injuries, or the patellar grind test for patellofemoral pain. These tests can provide valuable information about the underlying cause of the knee arthralgia.

Discussion and Treatment Plan

After completing the physical exam, the doctor will discuss the findings with the patient and develop a personalized treatment plan. This plan may include a combination of therapies such as physical therapy, medications, injections, or surgical intervention, depending on the underlying cause of the knee arthralgia.


In conclusion, a thorough physical exam is essential for evaluating and treating knee arthralgia patients in 2018. By assessing pain, range of motion, strength, palpation, and special tests, doctors can identify the root cause of the pain and develop an effective treatment plan. If you are experiencing knee arthralgia, be sure to seek medical attention and undergo a comprehensive physical exam for proper diagnosis and management.

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